
Ostres, jo no sabia aquesta proposta de la Degana, i si és com tu dius tampoc ho veig gaire clar… Tot i així m’agrada com contesta les declaracions de l’Huguet i per això l’he penjada…També tens un bloc! Doncs ara mateix et poso als meus enllaços i passo per allà per comentar-te!Aix… molt malament això que no sigui .cat!Fins aviat!

No, being bisexual is aoninyng..I wish I just liked one gender.It’s inconvenient but I made the choice to stick to men since I don’t want to end up with a chick preggy after I bang her the condom can always break..but then again sometimes I see a girl and I get all these mushy romantic feelings see what I mean being bisexual is not a choice it’s annoying.

I guess they think that being able to pull out of the “child only” insurance market is fair? The insurance companies’ concern that some parents refusing to cover children until they get sick is valid. So, establish an open enrollment period, where you can only sign up for insurance during that time frame. Pulling out of the child-only insurance market sure isn’t fair – to the children that is. But, Republicans aren’t screaming about that. Does that mean they’re on the side of the insurance companies and not the children?

Very pretty, Lynne, and I love that arbor, too! I have clematis at the lake and it is a late summer bloomer. I'd like to find one that blooms earlier for my other arbor. Love that little birdie perched up high!XO,Jane

Great buy and good choice. ADM is exactly the type of company I’d be looking to buy in this market. The stock has been crushed but is a play on people continuing to want to eat. Solid entry point.

Gud så gott! Jag gjorde mig halvt ruinerad på julstjärnor och hyacinter i fredags, men det var det värt. Jula på nu! Det är ju bara jul en gång om året..! Bäst man passar på att njuta.

Podrán acusarnos de cochinos, pero no de mentirosos! Nos largamos sin levantar ni la ropa interior del piso =)Sobre la niña del infierno, trate de sacarle fotos, pero como cualquier ente infernal que se respete, en todas salia borrosa.

Amikor a hollók "egymás szemét vájják" az már a vég! De még mindíg, csak színjáték! "A semmittevést is úgy kell művelni, hogy lázas tevékenységnek lássék!" Megtanultuk még korábbi pártiskolán! lényeglátó

I just stumbled onto this site. It’s difficult to take some of you guys serious when you say DA is far inferior to Final Fantasy. Oh come on!DA:O has so many positives points that the possible negatives (graphics perhaps) are almost negligible. And yes the story is the best part of the game!Dragon Age II was disappointing though.But Mass Effect 2 is still Bioware’s greatest game to date (including Mass Effect 3), in my humble opinion.

Hey David,I’ve seen some of your videos from even back in 2009 and wanted to say “bless you Patriot”!I was an Obamabot until a couple of years back and even though I’m late to the party, I’m glad to be fighting alongside you. This story in particular made me very angry. My eyes are open and I will never support this administration again.JohnVA:F [1.9.18_1163](from 9 votes)